Results: 1-15    


The *Washington quarterly

Georgetown University. The Center for Strategic and International Studies
Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University.

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Holdings: 1985-2015;
Call number: WAS
Last update holding 2024

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Holdings: 1984-1992;
Lacunae: 1984;1987;1988;
Call number: CUPRI 2021
Last update holding 2022

via Capitano del Popolo 7/6 16152 Genova , tel. 0106001763 , fax. 0106016842
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Holdings: 1998;
Lacunae: 1998;
Call number: st4B3
Local subject headings: WASH
Last update holding 2023

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Holdings: 1981-1994;
Lacunae: LAC.
Call number: ADP Per.1647
Notes: Fondi: Umanistica Albergo dei poveri - Periodici UMA ADP
Last update holding 2024

via U. Gobbi, 5 20136 Milano , tel. ++390258365027 , fax. ++390258365100
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Holdings: 1993-2011;
Last update holding 2024

Largo A. Gemelli, 1 20123 Milano , tel. (02) 72342709 , fax. (02) 72342679
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Holdings: 1978-
Last update holding 2024

Via Conservatorio, 7 20122 Milano , tel. 0250321126 - 0250335502 , fax. 0250321135
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Holdings: 2017-
Call number: PER. 1841
Last update holding 2024

Largo San Giovanni Maggiore,30 80134 Napoli , tel. 0816909408/417/418/422 , fax. 0816909414
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Holdings: 1978-1990;
Lacunae: 1978;1981;1988;1990;
Call number: RIV A 304 RC
Local subject headings: Politica internazionale;Relazioni internazionali
Notes: La rivista è depositata in locali della biblioteca attualmente non accessibili.
Last update holding 2024

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Holdings: 1982-1986;
Lacunae: 1982-1986;
Call number: LC AML PER 64
Last update holding 2024

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Holdings: 1996-
Call number: 33 II
Last update holding 2023

v. di Santa Costanza, 53 00198 Roma , tel. +39 0685225600 , fax. +39 0685225625
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Holdings: 1981-2013;
Lacunae: 1982;1987;
Call number: G110
Notes: Lacune: 1982(1, 3-4), 1987(1-2)
Last update holding 2024

Biblioteca Ministero Affari Esteri
Piazzale della Farnesina,1 00135 Roma , tel. 0636912973
Holdings: 1987;1993-2002;2004-2005;2007-2009;2013-
Lacunae: 1988-1992;2003;2006;2010-2012;
Call number: Scaff. 15
Last update holding 2015

Piazza di San Marco,51 00186 Roma , tel. 06-6920781 , fax. 06-6789102
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Holdings: 2000-2004;
Last update holding 2021

Via Chiabrera 199 00145 Roma , tel. 06 57335278 , fax. 06 57333083
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Holdings: 1978-2006;
Lacunae: 1978;1984-1987;1989;1991;2002;2004;2006;
Last update holding 2023

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Holdings: 1999-2012;
Call number: BUC - Biblioteca Universitaria Centrale
Last update holding 2014
Results: 1-15